Christ on the Beach
Grandparents: Western North Carolina
Summer Solstice Face Painting (Greensboro,NC) 2009
Butterfly Dancer
John F Rash Leads Photo Walk at Duke Gardens
Saturday, June 7, 2009. 21 amateur photographers met with John F Rash for a hands-on instructional photo walk through Sarah P. Duke Gardens in Durham, NC. Photo walks have become a popular way for photographers of all levels to meet like-minded people and share their knowledge of photography. All participants in Saturday's photo walk are also members of the Triangle Area Chinese Language and Culture Meet-Up Group.
Rash has also just returned from leading a group 11 photography students from Randolph Community College and UNCG to China in May. Members of the Triangle Meet-Up Group invited Rash to give a basic photography lesson and to share his experience from the recent trip to China. (Photos: Evan Brennan, Cynthia Qiu)
Duke Gardens: Frog Life
Great Wall, Beijing 长城
Lily Ma: 马莉 出品人/导演/演员
©2009 John F Rash
Lily Ma, Beijing based film producer, director, and actress. Photo taken at 798 Arts District, Beijing, China May 2009. Visit Lily's website at