Zaire Love (MFA ‘20)

University of Mississippi, Documentary Fieldwork

©2019, “Ponzel”

“Ponzel exists to artistically document the beauty, stature, and complexity of a young black woman and her evolution into her highest self.”

Mary Knight (MFA ‘19)

University of Mississippi, Experimental Documentary

©2019, “Close to You”

Experimental film that examines memory and the memories we tell ourselves when surrounded by foods, songs, and feelings that remind us of childhood.”

Zaire Love (MFA ‘20)

University of Mississippi, Experimental Documentary

©2019, “Trees”

“Southern trees are the griots of the South. They hold wisdom and knowledge of the godly and the terror in the region. Listen as the trees talk my chile.”

©2019 Mary Knight (MFA ‘19)

University of Mississippi, MFA Thesis Project (film)

©2019, “Dear Hubert Creekmore”

“How much does a place hold onto a person? How do the memories of a childhood hometown resonate decades later in the works of a writer? Dear Hubert Creekmore explores the connection between the past, our memories of growing up, and how we remember those who came before us.”

Christina Huff (MA ‘21)

University of Mississippi, Documentary Fieldwork

©2019, “Queering the South: through drag”

“An Illustration of the experiences of drag performers in the Bible Belt. Touching on themes of family, experimentation, and challenging gender roles / concepts of identity in the American South. “

Jimmy Thomas (MFA ‘20)

University of Mississippi, Documentary Methods and Practices

©2018, “Along the Blues Highway”

“An collection of video photographs made along the infamous blues highway in the Mississippi Delta.”

©2018 Olivia Terenzio, Mississippi

Olivia Terenzio (MA ‘20)

University of Mississippi, Documentary Fieldwork

©2018 , Documentary Fieldwork Semester Project

Full project “Convenience, Craft, & Company” can be viewed at the following URL: https://olivia.terenz.io/ms-convenience-store-project

John, here's the edited episode. I think it's working well. I'll need some instruction on making sure all the levels are right across the episode, though. I'm sure you'll be able to help me make this sound right. Sounds pretty good right now, but could probably use some tweaks.

Jimmy Thomas (MFA ‘20)

University of Mississippi

©2019, Audio Documentary, MFA Thesis Project (audio)

“The Lebanese in Mississippi: An Oral History documents and interprets the lives of first- and subsequent-generation Lebanese Mississippians whose families immigrated to the state looking for a better life. It is an oral record—sometimes a second-hand “remembering”—of their forbears’ experiences of settling in a foreign land where they knew few people, did not speak the language, and had to create their own occupations. It is the collective story of struggles and successes, of maintaining an ethnic identity and assimilating into a new culture, and of creating a new culture that mirrors that experience. “

©2019 Chi Kalu, Oxford, Mississippi

Chi Kalu (MFA ‘20)

University of Mississippi, MFA Thesis Project (photography)

©2019, “Back of House”

"Diving into the mechanism that is the back of the house in the restaurants lining the Square in Oxford, MS: the uncelebrated labor that makes the town’s center a culinary haven.”

Susie Penman (MFA ‘18)

University of Mississippi, MFA Thesis Project (film)

©2018, “Untitled”

“A personal investigation of youth incarceration as told by a video portrait of New Orleans, LA”

©2009 Elizabeth Lemon, Hong Kong, China

Elizabeth Lemon

Randolph Community College, Sinostory Photo Exploration

©2009, Documentary Photography

©2009 Amanda Clay, Beijing, China

Amanda Clay

Randolph Community College, Sinostory Photo Exploration

©2009, Creative Portrait

©2012 Jennifer Tart, North Carolina

Jennifer Tart

Randolph Community College, Digital Imaging

©2012, Digital Photography

Laurie Merritt

Randolph Community College, Multimedia Production

©2009, “Conversations”

“Stop animation video made from hand constructed objects and set to music”

Han Wei Xu

Duke Kunshan University

©2015, America Dreams America Movies Semester Project

Molly Mullin

Randolph Community College, Multimedia Production

©2012, Stop Animation Commercial

©2011 Tiffany Abbassi, North Carolina

Tiffany Abbassi

Randolph Community College, Digital Imaging

©2011, Creative Portrait

©2011 Jason Williams, North Carolina

Jason Williams

Randolph Community College, Digital Imaging

©2011, HDR Photography

©2009 Adam Sikora, Shanghai, China

Adam Sikora

Randolph Community College, Sinostory Photo Exploration

©2009, Documentary Photography

©2019 Shea Stewart, Mississippi

Shea Stewart

University of Mississipi, Documentary Fieldwork Semester Project

©2019, “Following 61”

"Captured along U.S. 61 as the road cuts its 200-mile path through the Mississippi Delta. Inspired by photographer such as Peter Brown and Robert Adams, these photographs tell the tale of a road, the land, and the sky overhead.”