Chinatown, Manhattan, NY. 7/16/06.
©2006 Rash Photo
I spent most of my day Sunday in the lower east side watching games of handball in the park near Canal and Allen St. I have very little experience photographing sports, so this attempt to document one of Sunday's better matches may not seem very polished. This set contained some of the better action shots, however I will upload a second set later this week from another match which has a quite different aesthetic. I captured several games, spanning about 3 hours of shooting with an end result was two quite differnt approaches in terms of how to best deal with harsh lighting and the lack of fill, as you can undoubtably see. Obvioulsly, there might have been more preferrable times of day to shoot at this park, and some lighting issues that could have been worked out with a bit of extra gear. However, I felt pretty comfortable with most of the images I could work out of the camera and lenses I had strapped to my back for a day in the city on a bicycle.