NOV. 13, 2008.

John F Rash was announced today as the 1st Place winner in the China Experience Photo Contest held by the North Carolina State University Confucius Institute. The photo "Hao Hai Zi" was taken in May, 2008 when Rash was visiting a school for migrant children in the city of Beijing, China.

The children seen in the photo are not provided free public education as migrants to the city. Hao Hai Zi Kindergarten is a small school which offers an affordable education to the children of migrant workers. Hao Hai Zi offers classes in History, Math, English, and Music, as well as hot daily meals for less than the equlivalent of US$4 eash month. John spent a day at Hao Hai Zi photographing the children, observing their routine, and talking with the owner and principal who built the school in 2006.

John F Rash hopes to return to Beijing in 2009 to spend more time documenting migrant children and women who are facing the challenge of intregrating into the quickly developing cities of China.

John F Rash also received merit awards in the photo competition for two other photos taken during his visits to China in 2008 and 2006. All three images will be on display at the NC State D.H.Hill Library in November to help celebrate International Education Week.