Heavy rain, chilly wind, and ever thickening fog decend upon the MoGan Shan mountain.
Many may not choose to travel outdoors in conditions such as these. Yet those whom have the privilege to stroll about the misty forest may truly know the whisper of this enchanting landscape.
Afterall, allowing yourself to enter forbidden surroundings provides an opportunity to to see the world afresh.
Hiking in the rain, breathing in the fresh air, you can almost hear the water cascading across the rocks.
To witness nature first-hand is always an experience worth the distance traveled, despite the cold and wet morning, as you arrive in a world right out of a storybook.
And when the trip is over you know that it is not the end, but rather only part of the journey that continues each day you leave home in search of new sights, sounds, and life experiences.
©2015 John Rash