Fire in the Sky
March Afternoon: Greensboro
Feces For Warpaint (Final Performance), Winston Salem, NC
War Boy
熊猫 (Panda)
Lily in the Window
Entry 06: Greensboro (my city)
Shots of Greensboro on a December morning in 2005.
©2005 Rash Photo
This is my city. I wanted to build a slideshow of images to use as an example of how to document a place (for my multimedia storytelling class). The original slideshow was set to an audio track from the Greensboro based band Dawn Chorus. You would never tell looking at these sunny photos that the temperature was around 25F that morning. My hands were numb and my face a bit frozen after gathering almost 20 different location shots. The Radio Flyer tricycles may seem a bit out of place with the other architectural focused shots, but they were so beautiful I couldn't leave them out. The first two images you see in this blog are litterally what I saw in front (Coffee Shop) and behind (hardware store w/ radio flyers) me as I stood on Spring Garden Street that morning. I entertained the idea of making these into xmas cards last year, but didn't have the time before leaving for Hong Kong. I suppose it's still not too late, and my friends could end up with one of these images in their mailbox sometime in the future.