
香港人:Mong Kok

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

(c)2007 John F Rash / RASHPHOTO

Mong Kok is Hong Kong's epicenter of style. Locals and tourists alike clamor down double-wide traffic-free walking streets like a stampede of fashionable youth. Comparing this shopping district to New York's Times Square, or Bejing's Wang Fu Jing Da Jie, is like apples and oranges. Friday and Saturday nights are not exclusively reserved for elbow to elbow mingling, and faces blur like headlights on a busy highway all day, and late into the night. High-rise shopping malls packed with specialty shops (none much larger than walk-in closets) can be found in cohabitation with international chains. Even if you're not the shopping type, as I am not, the energy and envrionment of Mong Kok, or hours of potential "people watching", is certainly not to be missed.

Hong Kong (Jan 06)

Hong Kong Dec 2005-Jan 2006.

©2006 John F Rash
This is quite a large set of images for this blog. Usually, I like to only have 3 or 4 daily images at the most, but I wanted to share some photos here that may have been skipped over in my Hong Kong photo show in Greensboro earlier this year. If you have seen any of my Hong Kong photos you have probably seen at least a few of these images. I am hopeful that there is something new here even for the people that know me. I have so many great photos from this trip that I may do another Hong Kong Jan 2006 set in the future. Of course, it would be more ideal to return to Hong Kong for another week or two of shooting for a set of totally new images. Maybe I can find a project or a grant to fund it? I have no experience in such matters, but certainly would learn if I could get a free photo vacation out of it.

I'm currently learning Mandarin, and I am very interested in travelling to mainland China sometime next year for photography and language experiences. However, I would be happy spending the next year or three in Hong Kong again, as it is the most photogentic city I've visited thus far.

Speaking of travel... This weekend I am travelling to New York and plan on spending at least one full day gathering images. I've been to the city many times in the past, but have rarely had the time or the equipment to dedicate any part of my trip to photos. Hopefully I will be able to share some nice NYC images here next week.